February 05, 2015 |
The opinions expressed or biases reflected in the headlines in this digest do not necessarily represent opinions or attitudes of those who maintain this headline news service. We strive for balance in presenting issues of potential interest to our readers.
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International Headlines
CALL FOR PAPERS, due 15 February 2014: Law and Religion in Africa: The Quest for the Common Good in Pluralistic Societies (African Consortium for Law and Religion Studies)
EVENT, 12 February 2015: Brian Grim to speak at Pontifical University ("The Positive Case: Religious Freedom is Good for Society, Business, and the Poor", Berkley Center for Religion, Peace & World Affairs)
Religious Freedom is Good for Society, Business, and the Poor: The Socio-Economic Benefits of Religious Freedom (A Lecture by Brian Grim, The United States Embassy to the Holy See, the Pontifical Urbaniana University, and the Religious Freedom and Business Foundation)
EVENT, 12 February 2015: Religion and Gender in Extremist Violence: A Discussion with Human Rights Defenders (The Carter Center, United States Institute of Peace)
Are you as brave as Katrina Lantos Swett? (Drew Cline, New Hampshire Union Leader)
Standing in solidarity: Why I've offered to receive 100 lashes of Raif Badawi's sentence(Daniel Mark, US News and World Report)
Malikite tradition counters extremism in Mauritania (Jemal Oumar, Magharebia)
Latin America's new martyrs: A spectrum of sanctity (B.C., The Economist [Erasmus blog: Religion and Public Policy])
Viet Nam: Human rights violations 2014 (Former Vietnamese Prisoners of Conscience)
Libya repeals political isolation law (Nadia Radwan, Magharebia)
'Hate speech is misusing freedom of speech': So who decides what's a proper use? (Elizabeth Nolan Brown, Reason.com Blog)
Nigerian forces take back four towns from Boko Haram (Mark Yapching, Christian Today)
Boko Haram kills dozens in rampage after Chad offensive (Stephane Yas and Reinnier Kae,Agence France-Presse)
Female jihadis publish guide to life under Islamic State (Josh Halliday, The Guardian)
Islamic teachings explicitly forbid death by burning, but ISIS did it anyway (Jenna McLaughlin,Mother Jones)
For Indonesian Church, fighting migrant trafficking not enough, training also needed (Mathias Hariyadi, Asianews.it)
"Se acatará la Constitución": magistrado que decidirá sobre adopción gay (Noticias RCN)
Stephen Fry’s mockery of religion could land him the death penalty in these countries (Abby Ohlheiser, The Washington Post)
Rajnath Singh on Delhi Church attack: Religious discrimination won't be tolerated (DNA India)
Widespread concerns about extremism in Muslim nations, and little support for it (Richard Wike, Pew Research Center)
A global protocol against incitement of hatred urgent (opinion) (Dimas Muhamad and Astari Anjani, Jakarta Post)
Christian protesters clash with police in India's Delhi (Andrew MacAskill and Anindito Mukherjee, Reuters)
Peaceful march in Delhi: Police beat and stop priests, nuns and children (Nirmala Carvalho,AsiaNews.it)
Rio Police investigates destruction of Umbanda Temple as crime against religious freedom(Eduardo Vanini, O Globo)
Shiites have mixed reactions to new Saudi king (Ali Mamouri, Al-Monitor)
Houthis to form new government in Yemen (Middle East Monitor)
Much remains to be done, but Vatican-China relations may be improving (Catholic News Agency)
AQAP ransacks centuries-old Yemeni Muslim landmark (Abu Bakr al-Yamani, Al Shorfa)
Fate of Hamza Chaoui, controversial imam, sealed by new bylaw barring religious teaching(CBC News | Montreal)
See www.religlaw.org for additional articles and an archive of past headlines.
Europe Headlines
EVENT,10 February 2015: British Catholics, Muslims and the Social Conscience of Churches(Professor Francis Davis, Berkley Center for Religion, Peace & World Affairs)
EVENT, 9-11 February 2015: Developing a multilateral approach to freedom of religion or belief: a European perspective (Theme: "Human rights, good governance and faith", Wilton Park)
EVENT, 7 February 2014: Inform Winter Seminar – Innovation, Violence and Paralysis: How do Minority Religions Cope with Uncertainty? (The Information Network on Religious Movements, New Academic Building, London School of Economics)
UK anti-Semitism hit record level in 2014, report says (Sanchia Berg, BBC News)
Statutory inquiry into historical child sexual abuse (David Pocklington, Law and Religion UK)
Council of Europe: Tackling intolerance and discrimination with a special focus on Christians(European Interreligious Forum for Religious Freedom)
Munich prosecutors charge female jihadist (The Local (Germany))
Salamone Rossi and the pressure to convert (Don Harrán, OUPblog Religion)
Sale of Charlie Hebdo in Ireland will test blasphemy law for first time (Henry McDonald, The Guardian)
The numbers tell a different Turkey (Ahu Özyurt, Hurriyet Daily News)
Pope decries 'scandal' of Ukraine Christians at war (ABC News)
Pope endorses referendum denying marriage and adoption rights to same-sex couples (J. Lester Feder, Buzzfeed)
Russia : 11 Media outlets threatened with closure for publishing Charlie Hebdo drawings(FIDH Human Rights in Russia)
Legal expert shines light on religious liberty in the European courtroom ((including links to audio recording and related article), University of Notre Dame Australia)
Gerry Adams tells North Ireland bombers: stop violence and seek peace (Padraic Halpin and Conor Humphries, Reuters)
500 Uighur Turks fled China for Turkey (Zeynep Bilgehan, Hurriyet Daily News)
Magna Carta freedoms ‘under threat’ today, MPs warned (John Bingham, The Telegraph)
Novosibirsk police uncover attempts to recruit fighters for Islamic State (Interfax: Religion)
Holocaust denial worries historians and religious leaders as survivors dwindle (Jessica Elgot and Jack Sommers, The Huffington Post UK)
See www.strasbourgconsortium.org for additional articles and an archive of past headlines.
United States Headlines
Call for Papers [DEADLINE 14 February 2015] : “Pluralism and Community: Social Science History Perspectives” (Social Science History Association Religion Network)
EVENT, 11 February 2015: The State of Islamism: The New Generation (The Wilson Center)
Court says religious non-profits need not identify their insurers to HHS (Howard Friedman,Religion Clause)
A key victory for religious freedom: yes, religious employers can hire (and fire) for religious reasons (David French, National Review Online: the Corner blog)
Religious organisations and their employees- new US decision (Neil Foster, Law and Religion Australia)
EEOC releases 2014 data (Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)
Religious freedom laws limit reach of homeowners association rules (Howard Friedman,Religion Clause)
Imprisoned shoe bomber says attack on U.S. plane OK under Islamic law (Alex Dobuzinskis,Reuters)
Gordon College states its case (Cyrus Moulton, The Daily Item (Lynn, MA))
Gay marriage laws should allow for religious exceptions: Poll (Emily Swanson and Brady McCombs, Chicago Sun Times)
California's ban of Scout-affiliated judges flies in the face of religious freedoms (opinion)(Editorial Board, Deseret News)
Why California judges are not allowed to be affiliated with the Boy Scouts (Eric Metaxas,BreakPoint Commentaries)
The irony in anti-discrimination – why Catholic bishops won't back ENDA (Matt Hadro,Catholic News Agency)
Inhofe, Senators introduce Religious Freedom Resolution (Press Release, Jim Inhofe)
Ken Starr offers encouragement on religious freedom (Rick Plasterer, Juicy Ecumenism)
No contraception mandate for Christian ministry (Melissa Montoya, News-press.com)
College freshmen are leaning away from religion (Melissa Korn, Wall Street Journal)
S.C. Republicans to colleges: Don't interfere with with campus religious groups (Mary Troyan,The State)
When Buddhists were Public Enemy No. 1 (Peter Manseau, CNN)
Why is there a religious exemption for vaccinations? Almost no religions object to them.(Miriam Krule, Slate)
Baylor recruits retired Congressman to lead efforts to protect religious freedom (Regina Dennis, Waco Trib)
Average Mohamed tries to thwart Islamic State (Aamer Madhani, USA Today)
Remarks by the President at National Prayer Breakfast (Barack Obama, The White House)
At prayer breakfast, President Obama urges religious humility and church-state separation(Don Byrd, Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty)
Judge dismisses lawsuit against Orthodox Jewish congregation in Far North Dallas (Julieta Chiquillo, The Dallas Morning News)
See www.iclrs.org for additional articles and an archive of past headlines.